To install the remote control program for ordinary four-port mahjong machine, you need to provide:
.Mahjong machine pictures
.Mahjong tile pictures and sizes
.Small installation places
We promise to guarantee the effect and achieve< r="://.n./" r="_bn"> rb(, , );">
>Effect, inspection and payment!
< r="://.n./////." ="Mahjong machine modification-program attachment" ="" ="" />< r=" ://.n./////." ="The operation of the mahjong machine remote control is very simple" ="" ="" />< r="://.n./////.n" = "Shenzhen remote control mahjong machine is easy to operate" ="" ="" />
< r="://.n./" r="_bn">://.n./< />
-n: nr;">[Mahjong machine modified remote control program, ordinary mahjong machine
-n: nr;">Secretly installed remote control program]